Frequently Asked Questions

1.  “Is this large pot the perfect size for this mini phalaenopsis?” One of the secrets to growing orchids successfully is to use the smallest containers that the roots will fit into.

2.   “Should I repot this orchid as soon as I take it home while it’s still has all these blooms?” Except in rare cases, always wait until an orchid finishes blooming before repotting it.

3.  “Can I just use potting soil to repot my orchids?” Terrestrial orchids can live in potting soil but mot orchids are epiphytic and require an airy medium like moss or bark.

4.  “Are monsteras orchids?” Monsteras and other tropical foliage live together in the jungle and are considered friends of orchids.

5.  “So, once the leaves fall off, is the orchid dead?”

6.  “These blooms won’t last forever?” It may seem like the flowers last forever but, generally speaking, orchids last for 1 to 3 months each year.

7.  “You mean, I need to water it?” Orchids are living things and generally prefer to have their roots hydrated once a week.

8.  “Is it true that I only need to put 1 ice cube per week in my orchid?” Oh my! Orchids are tropical plants and prefer warm water. We preheat the irrigation at our greenhouses.

9.  “What are the easiest orchids to rebloom?” Phalaenopsis are generally thought of as the easiest orchids to grow and bloom.

10.  “At what temperature should I bring my orchids inside for the winter and when can I take them back outside in the Spring?” We generally say that night temperatures in the high fifties is about the coldest most orchids will tolerate.

11.  “Are orchids poisonous?” Not that we know of and Vanilla is highly sought after for its flavor.

12. “Is the greenhouse also a retail area?” Yes, we have a showroom of blooming orchids for sale at the greenhouse